Watering Restrictions

Seasonal watering restrictions are in effect for all TNRD Community Water Systems each year, which are set by the TNRD’s Water Conservation Plan and apply to the use of treated drinking water.

May 1 – September 15:

  • Even-numbered properties can water on even-numbered days
  • Odd-numbered properties can water on odd-numbered days
  • No watering between 11:00 am to 6:00 pm daily
  • For Walhachin Community System only: 
    • Properties with civic addresses ending in 0 through 4 can water on even-number days
    • Properties with civic addresses ending in 5 through 9 can water on odd-numbered days

Information for Non-TNRD Water Users

Water restrictions listed above only apply to customers of the 11 TNRD Community Water Systems. The TNRD does not regulate water sources or water usage for private wells or privately owned or operated water systems. Water licensing and rights is a function of the Province of BC.

If you are on a private water system, check with your provider for information about any watering restrictions. To find general information of all water systems in the southern Interior, including contact information, view Interior Health’s Water System Interactive Map.

If you have questions about your well, contact Interior Health (250-851-7300) or the Water Management Branch (250-387-3421). If you have questions about surface water, contact FrontCounter BC for Natural Resource Inquiries.

Water Conservation Tips

  • Regularly check your toilets, faucets, and pipes for leaks.
  • Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or shaving.
  • Install a faucet aerator on your kitchen and bathroom sinks.
  • Rinse dishes, vegetables, and fruits in a partially-filled basin rather than under running water.
  • Replace your showerhead with a water efficient, low-flow showerhead (and take shorter showers).
  • Install low-flow or dual-flush toilets.
  • Water your household plants with leftover rinse water or water collected from a rain barrel.
  • Wash only full loads in the dishwasher and washing machine.
  • Keep a jug of water for drinking in the fridge to avoid running the tap until the water gets cold.
  • Regularly check your faucets, pipes, hoses, and sprinklers for leaks.
  • Collect water in a rain barrel for use on indoor and outdoor plants, and for future lawn watering.
  • Water during the early morning hours, when temperatures are cooler and winds are lighter, to minimize evaporation.
  • Use a layer of organic mulch around plants to reduce evaporation.
  • Weed your lawn and garden regularly, as weeds compete with other plants for water.
  • Raise the blade on your lawn mower to at least 7.5 cm high to promote stronger roots (shorter grass makes the roots work harder, requiring more water).
  • Use a broom instead of a water hose to clean your driveway.
  • Wash your car with a bucket and sponge instead of a hose.

Monitor Your Water Use

The EyeOnWater mobile app allows community water system customers to see your latest water usage, and to understand how much water you use, detect leaks, and discover trends for when you use the most water. For more information, click here.

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