2024 Provincial Housing Legislation Impacts

In November 2023, the Province introduced a series of legislation intended to stimulate housing supply, as part of the Province’s Homes for People action plan. Bills 44, 46, and 47 will result in significant changes to the planning framework for local governments, including regional districts. However, not all bill requirements apply to local governments.

Highlights: Housing Statutes Amendment Act (Bill 44)

Impacts to the TNRD of Bill 44 are as follows:

  • Will require zoning bylaws to be updated by June 30, 2024, to permit secondary suites on all lots currently zoned for detached single-family or duplex use
  • Will require that Housing Needs Report be updated using a standard method, for more consistent, evidence-based understanding of local housing needs across the Province

What does this mean for the TNRD?

By June 30, 2024, the following will apply:

  • Secondary suites will be permitted in all zones within the TNRD that enable principal residential use
  • Zoning bylaw amendments to enable secondary suites in all residential zones must be completed without a Public Hearing
  • Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 will be amended to ensure compliance with Bill 44 by the June 30, 2024 deadline

Secondary suites are currently permitted in most of the TNRD residential land use zones. Very few bylaw amendments are required to align with Provincial legislation

* Building Permits are required for all dwelling units, which includes adding a suite within an existing dwelling

* There are no areas within the TNRD’s 10 Electoral Areas that trigger the Provincial Transit Oriented Densification provisions of 6 housing units

Frequently Asked Questions

No. The four-plex and six-plex densities apply to urban centres (populations over 5,000), which does not include TNRD Electoral Areas. Secondary suites within a principal dwelling are permitted.

Bill 44 requires that all communities in B.C. allow one secondary suite or one accessory dwelling unit. Secondary suites will be allowed in all zones within the TNRD that enable principal residential use. TNRD Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 currently has an allowance for some properties to have a detached additional dwelling. For more information, see Section 3.6 of Zoning Bylaw No. 2400.

In municipalities with a population over 5,000 and within an urban containment boundary, the Bill has additional requirements including to allow for 3-4 units on lots zoned for single-family or duplex use and up to 6 units on larger lots zoned for single family or duplex use, and close to frequent-service transit stops. This does not apply to the TNRD.

No. Secondary suites will be allowed in all zones within the TNRD that enable principal residential use. TNRD Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 currently has an allowance for some properties to have a detached additional dwelling. For more information, see Section 3.6 of Zoning Bylaw No. 2400, or visit the TNRD Secondary Dwelling webpage.


TNRD Planning Service
Tel.: 250-377-8673
Email: planning@tnrd.ca

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