Weighted Voting

In many cases, TNRD Directors each receive one vote per person on Board decisions, which is a similar process to council members within a municipality. However, for certain decisions, voting processes and voting weight varies by Director, in alignment with the Province of BC’s Local Government Act.

The purpose of voting strength in regional districts (also called weighted voting) is to ensure balanced representation and voting, based on populations of each jurisdiction (Corporate Weighted voting) or based on the level of participation of each jurisdiction in varying matters (Stakeholder Weighted voting). Most recent Census data is considered when determining voting strengths based on populations.

Weighted Voting Scenarios

Type of DecisionType of VoteWho VotesExamples of Applicable Decisions
CorporateWeightedAll DirectorsFinancial Plan bylaw, debt and borrowing, property acquisition
 UnweightedAll DirectorsBylaws to establish services, regulatory bylaws, procedure bylaws
StakeholderWeightedService Participants OnlyBylaws imposing fees, bylaws regulating services, parcel tax roll bylaws
 UnweightedAll DirectorsAll decisions for services where only 1 Director would normally vote

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